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Summit fret tang nipper users?
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Author:  david farmer [ Tue Jun 07, 2016 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Summit fret tang nipper users?

.057"x .110" wire seems to be trending around here.
It's time to replace my aging Stew Mac nippers from the 90's.
Stew mac now says theirs are not for stainless wire. ?
Any experience with the Summit nippers? I need to pull the trigger on something for burly man wire.

Author:  Frank Ford [ Tue Jun 07, 2016 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Summit fret tang nipper users?

It's a winner.

Author:  david farmer [ Tue Jun 07, 2016 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Summit fret tang nipper users?

Thanks Frank! That's enough of a shove for me.
I hope your doing well.

Author:  Clinchriver [ Wed Jun 08, 2016 3:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Summit fret tang nipper users?

I like mine, all I use is Jescar SS and it does a nice job. However at the Ann Arbor Guitars, Fretting and Setup class I recently attended Dave Collings showed how to use the Stewmac tool "in reverse" and feels the shearing action versus punching/cutting from the front gives superior tool life and I may have to try one of those :mrgreen:

Author:  david farmer [ Wed Jun 08, 2016 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Summit fret tang nipper users?

I've always flipped mine around depending on whether I'm taking a big bite or a nibble.
I have actually never been sure which way was the ,"right way".
I'd like them to last, but cut quality trumps durability if I can skip the file.

Author:  Imbler [ Wed Jun 08, 2016 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Summit fret tang nipper users?

I had to go drag mine out to look at them, as I had not consciously thought of a right way versus backwards way to use them. After looking at them, I'm guessing orienting them so the pointy end of the shear cuts first at the depth of cut you are taking is normal, and having the pointy end at the end of the fret would be reversed to make is shear more than punch?

It does make sense, but I suspect I've been using them in the normal manner because it would seem easier to see how much you will be taking off,

david farmer wrote:
I've always flipped mine around depending on whether I'm taking a big bite or a nibble.
I have actually never been sure which way was the ,"right way".
I'd like them to last, but cut quality trumps durability if I can skip the file.

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